Hi everyone. Welcome to Quixotic, which is a blog as well as an attempt of mine to break away from the old insanely cryptic and emo posting style which I have all too readily embraced and hence adopted for the past 2 years. I have to admit, sometimes I even bore myself with them. But what to do, when you really don't feel like saying much other than spitting verbal blood onto the screen because of how you're feeling, you can't really write about anything else. (:
Then again, the title I chose for this blog seems nearly to be straying dangerously close towards that which I am trying to break away from. T_T. DAMN YOU, NIGEL, DAMN YOU AND YOUR FICKLE NATURE. Oh whatever. I like it, so it stays.
So anyway, yes I've recently popped (had my passing out parade for those girls who still have no clue what any army term means) and am in the midst (or should I say enjoying the last days of :< ) my block leave which has been all too wonderful. I'm really quite surprised at myself, because army has changed some things about me that I never thought needed changing before.
Shamefully, I must admit that I didn't really mind neglecting my family before I enlisted. It must have been an unconsciously cultured habit, stemming from the A level studying days when I would spend entire weeks just going to school every day to study in the morning, and reach home at night where I would promptly go online and forget about my parents. This kinda continued after the As, where lucky old me spent my four or so months of holiday before the fateful April 13th happened either going out or cooped up in my room. Family time equated to the planned family trips, which I already viewed as humongous great big sacrifices on my part.
But it's been a complete 180 degree turn since army, 'cos I inevitably find myself voluntarily wanting to spend time with my family whenever I bookout and during leave days such as this. I even agree to take walks with my dad after dinner now, and actually am not bored out of mind during them, nor do have any problems with my mom asking me to do any housework. The amount of family dinners I've had since enlisting is probably equal to the amount I had in the 2nd half of 2008. And I treat my mom like a thousand-carat diamond. You would, too, if your mom washed 5 sets of uniform, your army vest, your haversack, and stacked all these items neatly in your room when you were out enjoying a day with friends. The final straw that managed to end the two year long drought within my eyes was my mom remembering to buy facial wash for me after hearing me mention it while grocery shopping. That was quite a day to remember, and okay yes I am a girl. (:
It's a good thing, to have this support and bond with your loved ones, and I really am glad that army made me realize the error of my ways. Of course, this is not to say that I enjoy army. That would be a very refined, pure, concentrated type of insanity.
Then again, it is possible for people like Taufiq to enjoy army... (: (: (:
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